'soundodger 2 | mat zo - soul food (club mix) 97.75%'

06:37 Apr 10
'(flashing lights warning)  not dead yet, ahah  this level was a damn blast to make, took me a solid nine hours in total of actually creating the level, polishing it, and playtesting it. yeah i know that\'s a shitton of time for one creation, but gimme a break. i\'m reasonably hyped for the release of this entirely new game. a good chunk of my time in the editor was mainly spent adjusting to the new interface and settings, all of which i\'m glad for, except for the nonexistence of the goddamn undo button    but i digress. learning all the new features in this game was great fun and i\'m looking forward to messing around with different styles and patterns for future projects. i\'m most certainly excited to see what this community can do with this new editor. anyways, enjoy   song: https://youtu.be/oMGjJFjo32k level by: celsi download: https://soundodger-community.com/file/636-soul-food-club-mix/' 
See also:
